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In an era where innovation, precision and quality in health care are more important and available than at any time in our history, these improvements are not available to all Americans. The Chronic Care Policy Alliance believes that innovation, precision, and quality health care should be available to all Americans and supports the following concepts in public policy development:

  • The patient/provider relationship is paramount and essential in all efforts to ensure quality care for patients. Physician override requirements in health plan decisions should be enacted in policy to ensure that the patient receives the appropriate care as determined in conjunction with their health provider.
  • Health care providers should be supported and motivated to practice medicine. Fees or reimbursements for medical care should be robust and appropriate.
  • The creation and development of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), is important to the overall concept of quality care. ACOs should be encouraged and protected from inappropriate regulations and control mechanisms.
  • The creation and development of health systems that incorporate effectiveness and reduce waste and inefficiency are essential to provide patients with optimal care management and reduce the overall cost of our health care system. Within these health care systems, patients should be able to access their health care records and health plan decisions regarding their care in a timely manner. Further, health contracts should include provisions to improve the quality and availability of health information technology (HIT) throughout the health care system.
  • The development and support of medical research is essential for a quality health care environment. Cures and innovative treatments for disease are available in greater numbers than ever before, but fewer federal dollars are appropriated for medical research than are needed.